Zenith CT injector is controlled by a computer system. It takes advantage of specialized syringes and other accessories, so the cost of injection is very low. The delivery rate and volume satisfy all the criteria required by enhanced CT scan. The highest delivery rate: 9.9ml/s, the lowest delivery rate: 0.1ml/s. The large range of rate from 0.1ml/s to 9.9 ml/s satisfies all of the requirements for any enhanced CT scan. One to four phases injections meet a variety of CT injection's need. Large-size disposable syringe meets various requirements for volume of any enhanced CT scan. The highest pressure limit increase the safety of process Relay input/output interface connects to different CT scan facilities in the safest manner. Small diameter pipe tube reduces the waste of contrast agent, and synonizes the delivery of contrast agent and scan. Long-distance control box enables the user to monitor it in either control room or scanning room.
Specification Flow Rate: 0.1 to 10 ml/sec in 0.1 ml/sec increments Pressure Limits: Programmable from 50 to 350 psi in 1 psi increments Injection Capabilities: 1 to 8 phases
HSG Injection System
• No radiation hurt to the operator because remote control of inject1on
• Secured injection by pressure limit and terminate injection on whole screen
• Main parameters
Pressure Limit 10 - lOOpsi
Volume 0, l - 100ml
Flow Rate 0,01 - o. 99ml/